As I've been developing my skills I've learned that there are a variety of aspects that help capture the magic in a photo. For example, natural lighting preferably during the "golden hours" and the direction and angle the picture is taken makes for a gorgeous photo. Real, genuine smiles and laughter always come off as more authentic. Personally, I don't love my smile but when I've gotten pictures taken myself I tend to lean more towards those real life laughter moments. Mostly because I feel like those moments are attached to a memory even if it's just my photographer making a joke. Head and body placement always matter. Have you ever seen those before and after photos on Instagram or maybe even Facebook where they just change their position and go from looking fit and fabulous to looking like their stomach is protruding out more. It's not necessarily that they are sucking it in, although it could be, but I'd like to think it's just a change in posture and maybe a slight bent knee that make their bodies silhouette really stand out. The same goes with the head, placement can make me look like I have a double chin without even realizing it. And last but not least, clothing. Wearing black socks, clothing without labels or stains, and maybe using a lint roller before hand can make a really big difference. It's all about learning the right techniques and guiding your customers through the experience and using the background as a canvas and the camera as your tool.
